Social Distancing Resources
COVID-19 Updates
- Masks are encouraged but no longer required.
- Masks will no longer be required in the lobby or in closings by employees or clients, but encouraged and accepted.
- Realtors and Lenders are allowed to attend closings as long as the size of the closing group remains under 5 people (total of 6 with the Escrow Closer) and all parties agree to wear masks in that size of closing.
- Curbside closings are still acceptable and encouraged where appropriate.
11/01 Update:

04/01 Update:
- Most employees have been asked to work from home to reduce exposure and risk of viral spread to our team and customers visiting the office.
- All closing rooms are sanitized between signings and all signers are wearing 95 rated masks and eye protection to keep a safe in person closing experience.
- We are offering multiple signing options that include Remote Online Notarization, Mobile Notary, Curbside Closings, and other customizable solutions where needed.
Just like each one of you, our team at Empire Title is closely monitoring all the latest developments regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) nationwide and abroad to protect the health and safety of our employees, business partners, and the consumers we serve daily. We know that you are depending on our ability to continue providing title insurance and escrow services during these unprecedented and uncertain times.
For the protection of our team and our clients, we have established new guidelines for each of our offices related to the best practices necessary to keep our workplaces and closing rooms as safe and clean as humanly possible. These guidelines reflect the current recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and will be consistently amended and adapted as new information regarding safety procedures becomes available to us.
Below are several of the key practices and procedures we have implemented to keep our team and YOU safe:
- We are actively tracking CDC guidelines for employers and businesses, along with other federal, state and local directives or advisories related to confirmed diagnoses, travel limitations, and school/business closures.
- Hand sanitizer and cleaning products are being offered to employees and visitors in our offices, as these products remain available.
- Local offices have been asked not to share pens, and we are providing new pens to all of our customers for signatures at closing.
- Reminders related to workplace hygiene and recognizing virus symptoms are routinely circulated to all Empire employees.
- All employees who are exhibiting signs of illness have been directed to stay home.
- All employees have been advised to avoid travel to any affected areas and any non-essential air travel or other forms of public transportation.
- We have postponed or cancelled upcoming events, conferences and meetings, and required our employees to use web-based meeting platforms, video or telephone conferences instead.
- Management received specific guidelines regarding employees returning to offices after travel or known diagnosis with/direct exposure to COVID-19.
- We have assessed our network capacity and software to ensure that they will support large-scale remote access, when necessary, and verified that all essential employees will have the equipment and resources needed to work from home.
We remain committed to moving forward to better the lives of our team, our customers and our communities. Together, we can conquer our fears, maintain a safe and secure process during troubling times, and ELEVATE EVERYTHING.