How Can I Keep Track Of All The Homes I See?
There are some great tips in this video, like:
if possible, take photographs of each house: the outside, the major rooms, the yard and extra features that you like or ones you see as potential problems.
Write things down as you go. And don't hesitate to return... read more
What Does A Home Inspector Do, And How Does An Inspection Figure In The Purchase Of A Home?
As we show you in this video, an inspector checks the safety of your potential new home.
Home Inspectors focus especially on the structure, construction and mechanical systems of the house and will make you aware of only repairs that are needed.
The Inspector ... read more
What Should I Look For When Walking Through A Home?
As we show you in this video, in addition to comparing the home to your minimum requirement and wish lists use the HUD Home Scorecard and consider the following:
Is there enough room for both the present and the future?
Are there enough bedr... read more