Simple, Intuitive, and Co-Branded with your Photo and Contact Information
Data Population
Begin your net sheet by starting With LocaTR and fill in the property address. With one click, the County Assessor’s information will automatically be populated into your net sheet with property details, current owner information, previous transaction date, real estate taxes, and current year tax estimation for your property selection.
Rates and Fees
Title Insurance & Escrow Fees are automatically added into your Net Sheet calculations, based on selected County and TCA office location.
Flexible Fields
You have the ability to add fees, miscellaneous costs, and credits in real time. Any fees, costs, and credits you add will appear on your net sheet print-out or PDF.
Property Taxes and HOA fees
Taxes and HOA fees are automatically prorated based on the estimated close date.
Dynamic Calculator
The net sheet calculator will automatically update as you make your selections.

*if you prefer to create your Net Sheet without assessor information, you may do so.